I’ve been struggling with this for years (basically since I was born) only that it got worse. In middle school/later elementary, I was okay. I could socialize with friends and ask teachers questions even speak with them when it didn’t pertain to school! I’m in high school now and I feel like a part of me has died. My socializing skills are horrible to the point where I cannot speak with “friends” . I tend to stay silent when I am in group settings and when in one on one, it is extremely awkward mainly because I don’t know what to say and I kind of feel nervous. I remember being told from a teacher they thought I hated them but this was a result of how I struggle in social interactions (I did not hate them I just struggled with socializing) I’ve been told even I look sad but I don’t mean to be this way. To be frank, I don’t have friends really, and part of being “silent” with some is because I didn’t feel comfortable with them. Now, I just don’t know what to say and sometimes I do feel like they don’t like me and worry if I’m being annoying. I’m mainly being left out in groups mainly because I don’t know what to say. Making friends is very difficult for me. Sometimes if I want to ask a teacher questions, I grow extremely nervous and retreat from asking them. I feel bad especially anyone speaking to me because I feel like my demeanour gets misunderstood even though I mean well and am worried how I can keep the conversation going without being awkward. If anyone could help me that would be great

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