How can a guy fix/hide acne scarring?

  1. Hydrate, moisturize, exfoliate. If scarring doesn’t improve, go to a dermatologist. Modern medicine can work miracles.

  2. If you can, grow out your beard.

    Otherwise, I have found that regularly washing my face, exfoliating the problem areas, and moisturizing( I use CeraVe) has lessened my visible scars. I do the washing and exfoliating when I shower, and moisturize after.

  3. There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to skinscare r/SkincareAddiction but to cut to the chase. You should see a dermatologist.

  4. Medication/ dermatologist. They gave me that cream but it burned and dried my skin out so then I mixed it/ cut it with lotion and boom problem solved.

    On the bright side remember at least a rugged face can work on a guy. So at least it isn’t ruining your face forever. Unless you’re older and still have bad acne

  5. The short version of /r/skincare is wash with a cleanser that has either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Use a moisturizer with SPF every morning. Use a retinol cream a few times a week. There will also be some talk of vitamin c oil.

    Pick a product line that you can afford and readily buy.

    A dermatologist will prescribe antibiotics and or prescription creams. They can also guide you to find a routine that works for your skin.

    Wear sunscreen. Wear sunglasses. Avoid sun during peak hours.

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