There’s this guy at my highschool which is a “streetfighter” and a major knucklehead and goes to the local kickboxing club at a different time than me. I m a beginner btw

So as I was leaving he comes in and says to me “what’s up bitch” and slaps me on the back of my head disrespectfully. I just told him “why are you hitting me” and then he said “so you’re a tough guy , come spar with me”. I refused because I knew I could probably get hurt.

What should I have done in this situation? What should I do in the future?My confidence is kinda hurt after this…

  1. Literally nothing you can do. Try to stay away from him and train until he’s afraid to put his hand on you again for fear of being hurt. Sorry that happened to you.

  2. I think you did exactly what you should have. Bullies need an audience, you not feeding into his need to be a bully takes that away from him. The best you can do in the future is continue to not feed into it, focus on yourself and the reasons why your in kickboxing. If he escalates things by getting physical, go to the instructor, they will hopefully put a stop to it as they don’t want to be seen as fostering bullies as I’m sure that’s not what kickboxing is about.

  3. i dunno according to Karate Kid you should become a martial artist yourself and learn self-respect along with self-defense but according to Cobra Kai the netflix series sequel, you should escalate every little interaction until there’s broken bones and school riots.

  4. You’re better than that. Ignore the guy and be the best you that you know you can be. Have faith.

  5. Any good instructor would shut shit like that down immediately if they knew it was going on imo. Talk to them about what happened the next time you go; and ask them for their advice while you’re at it. A great instructor can be a mentor and role model too.

  6. i would spar with him, even if u lose. even if u did play into what he wanted, if u put up your best and not give up, he could slowly accept you as a partner, atleast thats what a “decent” bully would do. its better to make sides than be enemies, unless they cross a serious line

  7. If you call his gym and tell them this story he will get booted instantly for that. No Kickboxing gym wants to be associated with this kind of behavior

  8. You tell him, “Please don’t hit me outside of the ring. If you want to spar let’s do it with a ref present so neither of us gets hurt.”

  9. A couple kids kept messing with me back in high school. My mom told me to come up to one, rip his jacket so that buttons go flying, and then punch him in the nose, just out of the blue. I did that. There was blood. They left me alone after that.

    Stand up for yourself. He’s gonna keep picking on you otherwise.

  10. Nothing you can do now that the moment is past. Get over it, and use it as motivation to beat the shit out of him in the future.

    In the future though, talk shit back and spar with him. Win or lose, defend yourself. Don’t use any of the lame lines people in this post gave you. You’ll only look worse.

  11. Tell him you think he’s really cool. And that you want to follow him around to see what does next. And occasionally chime in with lines like, “Yeah” after picking on someone.”

    Let him know you laugh at his persona.

  12. Kickboxing eh? Maybe learn some jiu jitsu so you can choke him out? Jokes. In all seriousness. Don’t sweat it. Any decent gym wouldn’t tolerate that behaviour. Just focus on yourself and learning as much technique as possible. Show up as much as possible and spar as much as possible. It might be best to tel your coach what’s going on. Hell, it might be handy to make friends with your fellow training partners so they can keep an eye out for you. Any decent gym looks out for their own. And when someone steps out of line, they are either told, or the more experience guys take them down a notch. If they support that kind of shit. Leave and find a new gym.

  13. You wanted him to respect you. But he’s only going to respect people who are dumb and ready to get hurt and don’t care. So maybe rethink why you want his respect.

    Sometimes being really chill and deliberate and confident works though. Looking people in the eye and that “nah man I don’t fuck with that” kind of vibe. Knowing what you don’t want to do and sticking to it, no need to justify anything to him.

    Look up grey rock techniques. Being boring also works because yeah he’s looking for entertainment.

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