How does your partner put out with you going full geek on a subject?

  1. She sits quietly, paying strict attention and smiling because she finds it absolutely adorable

  2. LOL, I don’t do that. She sometimes does, and I will listen for a minute or two, then ask what’s the point of the monologue.

    Sometimes there’s a point, sometimes it’s just jabbering.

  3. Depends on her mood. Sometimes she’ll just listen and have no clue what’s going on. Sometimes get eyes glaze over. Then there’s are other times that she’ll just laugh at me.

  4. Normally I keep my geek stuff to myself unless I think it overlaps with her interests. I dont’ like having to explain jargon and whatnot to people. Fortunately we have stuff we can geek out on together. And I prefer to talk about stuff she knows more about so she can show off and I can learn something.

  5. She nods her head in agreement and lets me finish. I do the same for her when I know nothing about what she is talking about.

  6. She loves it. I get overly excited by trees and various nerd hobbies. She doesn’t share my interests but she likes to see me happy.

  7. The subject is investing. She smiles and pretends to be interested. Not to be nice to me, but because she knows I am securing our lifestyle/future. So in other words, she is only smiling out of selfishness 🙂

  8. Her heart goes pitter-patter and then she goes full geek on the same subject.

  9. She listens and smiles and asks questions because she knows it means a lot to me and because she thinks I’m adorable when I do so.

  10. Half of them find it intriguing and interesting and they enjoy learning what I have gathered the other half get angry at me for having that information because it makes them feeling secure. One partner I was with about four years ago literally started yelling at me very loudly saying that they are “always the smart one in a relationship and it’s not fair” They were 43 at the time. We didn’t last that long, clearly

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