Anyone else struggle to recall memories/facts when having conversations. I can have a convo about a specific subject and then struggle to remember a fact/story relating to that subject. For example, I was talking about my interest in Julius Caesar to another person and then mid conversation I was unable to remember other members of his triumvirate( Pompey and Crassus). This happens with the most random things, I just struggle to remember things when talking.

Anyone else relate? And if so, any solutions.

  1. This happens to me pretty often. I think it’s because my brain is so busy processing verbal stuff, it is hard to switch gears to remember random trivia buried deep in there.

    My only tip is to try not to let it bother you and just say something like “ugh, I’m having a total brain block on that, hate it when that happens! Anyway, my point was…” or “Wow I’m getting old, I can’t remember XYZ! Well anyway…”

    The reason I say this is because the actual fact you’re trying to remember usually isn’t really super important to the conversation, but if you let it frustrate you and dwell on it, you’ll ruin the conversation by stopping the flow and focusing too hard on this one thing. It will also make you more annoyed and frustrated the more you think about it, which makes a conversation much less fun. This also happens to a few other people I know as well, and when I’m on the other side it’s so annoying to be having a great conversation and they suddenly get really cranky and stop the conversation in its tracks to google some random piece of trivia that doesn’t really matter very much.

    I know this is kind of the opposite of the advice you wanted, but it’s all I’ve been able to figure out. I don’t know how to make you remember things, but the next best thing is to keep the forgetfulness from affecting you too much.

  2. Can you remember any common factors between these situations? It could be lack of sleep, maybe feeling off on that particular day, etc.

    There are many issues that could be the cause, so the next time it happens make a note of it in your phone or a piece of paper. Was it the person making you nervous? Did you start feeling “off” at all?

    From there maybe you can come up with some reasons. Right now there are too many unknowns.

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