What stopped you from asking out a girl you like?

  1. I was going to ask my wife out to go get some pizza at a new place in town, but she beat me to the punch and wanted a steak bowl instead.

    Tomorrow I’ll have to be faster.

  2. Was able to find the main reason for asking her out. Got clearer thoughts after let’s say self procreation activity

  3. she told her friends (including I) that she didn’t want to start a relationship with someone in her friend group to avoid losing friendships or causing disputes…

  4. I had a nagging suspicion that the attraction wasn’t mutual. After a few years, I discovered I was right.

  5. Timing, either whenever I got the confidence to ask she revealed she started seeing someone or when that fell through I had been dating someone for a while.

  6. When I was in my teens. No game. Older, just kind of knowing we were moving in different directions life wise.

  7. I was going to ask out a friend because I genuinely thought we had that kind of connection. I thought of a way I felt was respectful and to make it clear in no way was it something I expected or required for us to be friends. I seriously was moments away from asking then she started talking about how much she hates Weird Al. As if he is R. Kelly level of awful. I love Weird Al. He taught me all the wonderful ranges of beauty music can be. If he wasn’t her thing that would’ve been fine. But once she said she hated him all I could see was all the different ways were weren’t compatible.

  8. Lack of confidence. Once you’ve been insulted a few times, you eventually just stop trying.

  9. the friendship group she and i are a part of has been instrumental to my boost in mental health lately. i dont wanna make things awkward in that circle

  10. Mostly being sure the feeling isn’t mutual and not knowing if I’m actually romantically interested in her.

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