Imagine that you are just my (female) friend with whom we meet once a month to hang out as friends (watch a movie, talk, go for a walk, drink coffee together)

I ask:

\- Can I safely ask you something very, very personal?

\- Yes, you can

\- I have one strange desire, I would really like to see you completely naked. Can I invite you to my house and undress you? If yes, I will be very happy, or we can just forget about this question and continues on as if nothing has happened.

What will be your reaction and answer? Do you think I can try it on my female friends?

  1. If this is someone that you have a platonic relationship with, I feel like this question would end that friendship. Permanently.

    If it’s someone you’re casually involved with already? Completely different story.

  2. There’s no way to tell me that without me backing out of that friendship. I’d never be physically comfortable around a friend who thought of me that way.

  3. I would be extremely freaked out if a platonic friend said this to me. I probably wouldn’t want to spend time with them again.

  4. You are missing a step here. You either need to be looking to move your relationship to a FWB or boyfriend / girlfriend status. After you’ve mutually established that you have a sexual relationship, it’s not much of an ask, just foreplay.

    A one time request to see a friend naked is looking to put you in creep status.

  5. No. Her body is not in existence to make you happy. The fact hat you think it might be even slightly ok to ask women to just see them naked, and try to use your “happiness” to convince them, is just gross.

    Please dont make friendships with women until you realize they are human and not masturbatory aids.

  6. Lmaoo you sound like you’re writing her a business email. Absolutely do not approach it like this!

    You need to test out the vibe. Invite her to hang out at your house, just the two of you to do something normal like watch a movie. Since you’re already friends, this won’t seem suggestive. Let me stress this though: *do not take advantage of her being alone with you.* You seem like a rather polite guy, I’m not going to assume you would, but I just want to make it clear.

    While you hang out, flirt a little. Try to find an excuse to playfully touch her (the old trick of comparing hands and “look how much bigger my hands are” to have an excuse to hold her hand is always fun and not too much), laugh at her jokes, give her the bedroom eyes, all that shit. If she’s vibing with it, responding by matching your energy and body language, leaning in, messing around back, then you can try and take it a little further by leaning in to kiss her. If she pulls away, don’t push any further and play it off like she had something in her hair or whatever. If she ends up kissing you, take it from there but ASK FOR CONSENT all along the way.

    Just asking a girl friend if you can see her naked is like, totally weird. But if you guys end up making out, eventually you never know, you might get more out of it than just seeing her naked.

  7. If you want a physical relationship with her you have to go about it differently.

    Either drop subtle hints and try to gauge her reaction. If she reciprocates then maybe you have a budding relationship that might eventually end in fun nakey time. Very nice!

    Or come straight out in a neutral location, maybe at a nice dinner and say that you might have more than just feelings and would like to talk it through.

    Unless there’s something not typical between you two – which isn’t necessarily bad or weird – just asking her to see her naked will probably be received poorly.

  8. There are some male friends I would like to take things to the next level. However, the approach to the situation and context matter greatly. One wrong word, one wrong move can ruin every single thing. So be careful if you don’t want to lose both a friend and a potential sexual partner

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