I’m 24F. He is 28.
For the first 2 weeks, we chatted all day everyday, he would reply in seconds. We were flirty, talking about sexual fantasies as well as sensitive details about ourselves. We really trust each other.

After that we met twice. We had sex on the second date. And after that he would text me very short/ not flirty at all/ take more than 5-6 hours to reply me. Should I just stop replying him because I feel like he didn’t like the sex and lost interest in me? I know that he is very independent and would not want someone clingy, so right now I have not read or reply him. But I wish we can just have the talk. He said he is direct, but somehow this is just confusing.

Fyi: I’m very inexperienced with sex and he knows this but at first he said he’s fine with it. When I asked him do you want to have sex? He told me he actually wanted to wait. (Is it because he knows that once sex happens, it would be the end for him?) But at the end we had sex anyways. I’m worried if I give it away too fast? But we have been talking alot about sex and we know that we will do it at some point.

Also he is not looking for anything serious. But he knows that ideally I want to date before sex. Will he think I’m easy? He knows I have only been with one guy and had sex only 2 times in my life though. And he is my second guy. So I feel like I didn’t please him as well as other girls did. Because he had a lot of experiences.

He is someone who will only have sex, but usually he won’t kiss because it is too intimate. However, he did kiss me during the sex. Does this mean anything at all? I feel like he is regretting it and pulling away. But he is so perfect and I wish I could continue to see him, even we can’t be a couple, as a friend/ casually is fine.

1 comment
  1. Personally, I’m really against ghosting. You should have a mature conversation, clear up the situation and go your separate ways if that’s where this is leading.

    First you need to decide what do you want from this situation – a romantic relationship or just sex. Then tell him what you would like and ask what he wants to do. If it’s the opposite of you, then end things, because this will go nowhere.

    The solution is really simple – proper communication. For some reason a lot of people tend to avoid that nowadays.

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