I’m not good at dating or with women in general. But I’ve been talking to this girl for a week now. We met in a club, and met again outside another club last night. I think she wanted to have sex with me last night, atleast she was hinting at it through text. I felt like she fishing for me to invite her over. Long story short, I pretty much blew her off.

I’m a virgin, and tbh I wasn’t comfortable with having sex with a person I barely know. Also in the week I’ve known her I felt like I’d noticed a few red flags. Like she self described herself as crazy, and when I joked around and asked how she was crazy, it almost seemed like she got upset and wouldn’t say anymore. But I may have just said something dumb or insensitive, again I do not have a way with words lol. My guy friends think she’s far above my league so they’ve been pushing me to get with her ASAP. But my girl_friends think that she’s seems a bit weird, especially since I barely know her. Since we met at a club, but we didn’t even hook up then, and now she’s acting super close, but also trying to hook up. They said they couldn’t figure out if she was looking for a hook up or a relationship, and that she was confusing.

Also I dunno if it’s fair to say this. But a few days after we started talking, she did kind of trauma dump on me about how her dad used to abuse her and stuff. And I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into. I mean that’s obv not her fault, and its a horrible thing to happen. But I don’t feel like I know her enough to talk to her about that stuff. And when we met outside the club last night, she came running up and hugged me, like we hadn’t seen each other in years. Overall I feel like I’m in out of my depth. But that may be cos I’ve only been in one relationship in my life, and it was a relatively short one.

So I dunno what to do here. My friends are giving me confcliting advice, so I thought I’d try here.

  1. She’s getting to personal too soon and if she’s not healed from her trauma it doesn’t seem like she’d be someone to attempt to be in a relationship with. Trust your gut, if you sense something is off, you’re probably right.

  2. your friends say a traumatised horny gal with no boundaries (telling someone she just met sensitive stuff) is way above your league?

    that’s the biggest red flag I see here, do your frisnds think that low of you?

    that being said, if I were you, I would tell her if anything is about to happen I’d want a casual relationship, not one that leads to marrige, it’s a great option for you tk gain some xp.

    her speed may break things tho, you could tell her you wish to take things more slowly…

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