Is it normal now a days to ask someone out and then not talk to them until the day of the date? (Like 3-5 days of no contact) I’ve run into this a couple times now (after getting out of a relationship) and can’t figure out if this is a new dating norm or just no effort to getting to know people very early on prior to meeting. I don’t think you need to talk every second of the day but a couple texts a day in between the dates so you don’t run out of topics to talk about but still get to know them a bit better.

  1. Yeah, it’s very normal. I do it all the time. I already spent a lot of effort texting well so that I could get a date. If I keep texting I might seem needy or make a texting blunder and lose the date. That has happened to me several times. So now my default is to only text to confirm the day of the date – unless she seems really keen on continuing the conversation

  2. Without sounding funny, try it and see what happens. It may work, it may not.

    >I don’t think you need to talk every second of the day but a couple texts a day in between the dates so you don’t run out of topics to talk about but still get to know them a bit better.

    You get it man. Message when you can or at least recirpocate her frequency. The bottom line is if she’s interested in you, she’ll message you. I would personally keep personal topics for in person so you can look at her and show you’re interested rather than looking at a message.

    General rule: As long as you don’t send 10 messages in a row because you want to make her reply/she hasn’t replied in 10 minutes, guilt her into doing anything, question her “loyalty” or accuse her of ghosting because she can only message at lunch or whatever needy behaviour, you’re fine.

  3. I like to keep conversation going leading up to a date unless one of us has something keeping us from communicating like travel, work etc. I would make that clear but also make time to reach out at least once a day despite being busy…it lets the person know you’re looking forward to the date. It takes very little effort to send a text and even though we haven’t met yet, I feel like it could be an indicator of how the person would be in the future.

  4. As a man, texting a woman between setting up a date and the date itself can ONLY work AGAINST you.

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