What kind of reaction to an ex-boyfriend trying to make you jealous and gossiping about you?

  1. Disappointment in your girlfriend for dating someone like that in the first place. Otherwise, just distancing yourself from him socially.

  2. Ex-girlfriend; but same principle.

    It sucks, but the hardest answer is the right one. Be bigger than it. The truth always comes out and if he’s making shit up it’s gonna bite him eventually. The jealousy bit, just trying to keep you on a hook. Don’t let them.

  3. If my ex is spreading false rumours about me, I’d confront them and tear them down. I’m confrontational kind of guy. But by jealously if you mean like hooking up with another person to make you jealous I wouldn’t care. I’d be indifferent. The opposite of love is not hate but indifference.

  4. Why would my ex or my partners ex (I can’t tell which you’re talking about) have any access to me? I cut ties with people when a relationship ends. I’ve never dated a scumbag so I have no experience with ex gossip though.

  5. Complete indifference is always the answer to ex drama.

    Man or woman, they crave a reaction, don’t provide it.

    If you mean your current GF is having ex drama, ignore it unless it becomes unavoidable, then find a new GF with less baggage.

  6. How would my current partner’s ex know enough about me to gossip about me?

    Where are they getting this information?

    Odds are it isn’t from my friends. The only possible way would be from my current partner. In which case I’m going to have to have a talk to her about boundaries.

    If she has a problem with that then congrats she is now an ex.

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