I constantly want to be validated, touched, and told I’m attractive by women. I have weekly dreams about sex or romance, and it makes me depressed just as often. I want nothing more than a woman to give me attention and comfort me.

I know I have nothing to offer in return. I don’t deserve to be treated like that, which is obvious since I’ve never even gotten close. This has been destroying me for years, how do I stop?

  1. do some changes to yourself first
    that “I don’t deserve to be treated like that” says a lot, try talking positive about your person and watch the magic happen

  2. Work on your self-esteem. Therapy, read books, watch videos. Love yourself.

    At first it you will try to discredit it, but if you persist, eventually you will realize that it’s true.

  3. Write a letter to your mom, describing this situation and thanking her for how she fucked you up.

  4. If you have nothing to offer means you are willing to give nothing to them.

    Wanting affection and attention is normal, you not willing to do the same is a big issue. Yes, therapy.

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