It seems like reddit think this is being insecure. I have seen a few guys get roasted on here saying that they are insecure. However I don’t think so. If a girl is checking someone else out while with you i think that is completely disrespectful and you don’t have any respect for yourself if you think otherwise. What type of guy would want a girl like that?


EDIT: I mean a quick look is fine, but I mean much more than a quick look. Like turning her head around and what not.

  1. I mean it depends. A quick glance, meh I don’t care.

    Turning your head and staring is a bit disrespectful and I’d talk to her about it.

  2. so you wouldnt be down with your lady going to the thunder from down under?

    I dont care if my wife checks out dudes…. if she rubbed it my face that is one thing…. if it got out of hand that is another. but like she isnt dead. I dont need to mate guard her that hard…. if some rando guy is gonna get her to cheat on me…. well fuck me and her it is done anyhow

  3. I wouldn’t like it if she did it with me. I assume it’s a common thing she does when I’m not around/when she’s with friends and have no drama with it as long as she doesn’t act on any of her attractions.

  4. Define “checking out”. Looking at some dudes butt or admiring his physique? Not a problem. I think everybody’s definition of “checking out” and what’s acceptable or not acceptable is going to be highly variable.

  5. She’s human, She’s going to see other attractive people. If She’s LEERING at them, I’d be a little pissed, but She wouldn’t do that to me.

  6. Start checking them out together, both boys and girls. Comment on stuff, talk about it. It’s nothing wrong to look.

  7. lol. My wife can do as much window shopping as she’d like, she’s an adult. Just keep hands off the merchandise.

  8. Look at all the insecurity in the comments yikes. Fellas who gives a fuck if she checks someone else out. She’s still with you.

  9. It doesn’t bother me. It’s not disrespectful. We have a very healthy relationship. We have loyalty, respect and trust between us. I mean how can you not look at a person you find physically attractive. As long as that’s as far as it goes, no big deal.

  10. it isn’t insecure. it’s fucked up and poor behavior. i wouldn’t deal with it. have some self-respect and bring it up as a topic of discussion.

    i wouldn’t do that shit to my wife, and i wouldn’t tolerate her doing it. i only expect from others what i expect of myself.

  11. Tell her to knock it off or she’s going to be single. If it’s a big deal, or she’s openly interested in other guys, you talk about it, explain that it bothers you, and ask her to stop. If she keeps doing it, then that shows she has no respect for you or your boundaries. Better to bounce now than to wait until it escalates.

  12. It’s extremely disrespectful and makes it look like she has no respect for the guy she is with

  13. Totally depends on the relationship I have with her.

    Casually dating or polyamory? I’ll notice and think it’s hot.

    Married and monogamous? Then neither of us should be looking at others as an ‘option.’

  14. Mine is free to do whatever she’d like. She doesn’t *do* anything but she could if she wanted.

  15. You can’t force someone to stop checking people out. What you can do is communicate how her actions make ya feel, and if it’s that big of an issue for you then set a boundary of you won’t date someone who during together time with you they are eye fucking others.

  16. Briefly dated a girl like that. Looking at other people is one thing, but miring them in front of you, talking about other dudes, bringing up your exes AND trying to hit on girls as well is another. She seemed to enjoy attention from other guys too much, even confessed to blowing upwards of 20 people (pretty much random dudes that made flattering comments lol). I wonder why that thing between us didn’t work out..
    Oh right, she fucked her ex after he “assaulted” and mentally abused her for like 5 years.

    Some people don’t want to be fixed or have meaningful relationships and are only looking for drama. If your chick’s so disrespectful towards you that she’s undressing other people with her eyes right in front of you, that ain’t your chick.

  17. I can’t say that I’ve ever experienced this… but there’s nothing wrong with seeing what’s in stock.

  18. Join her. I’m interested in seeing what she finds attractive and showing her the men I find attractive.

  19. I don’t care as long as it’s just looking. If she flirts or takes things past looking ill leave her right there and then. I’m not going to waste my time with someone like that. But if she’s just looking idc she isn’t my property she’s human she’s going to find other people attractive. But as an adult who chose to be in a relationship with me she should have control over herself enough to say no to her desires while we’re still together.

  20. I would react by breaking up with her. She can go hang with those dudes she’s checking out. I’m not jealous but also not a doormat.

  21. If the man was the one checking a woman. His wife will be upset, and probably slap him. It’s so disrespectful for someone to checkout the opposite sex while being in a relationship.

  22. Generally i don’t mind. I look. She’s human. I’d rather she’s obvious about it than hiding it. I do find that sometimes i get a bit jealous when our relationship is struggling or we aren’t close. So i become insecure. But if we’re good then i don’t care in the slightest

  23. If she turns her head and makes a comment about it, I’d talk to her about it. While a look can be harmless, but it’s considered impolite and insensitive to check out the member of the opposite sex in front of your partner.

    I would ask, would it be okay if I turned my head to check out another girl and tells you, “Look at the tits on that girl!”

    After 5-10 minutes, the aforementioned girl would be forgotten completely in my mind, but my action would leave a bad taste.

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