a week ago I started with a normal cold that was nothing serious until I felt swollen lymph nodes in my groin area, I was a little worried. I remembered my current sexual partner and I had pretty great and a little bit of rough sex , his nails were long and did give me a cut. He did give me oral and we have been having unprotected sex from the start of our 3 months seeing each other, later I did feel sharp cuts down there whenever I peed there was discomfort. I did get feasted for everything and everything came back negative, but over the next days it’s gotten worse , I can say Google has got be me very depressed and I have noticed him trying to let go of me slowly😭.Unfortunately he is my next door neighbor I feel like I’ve definitely put myself in a uncomfortable situation and just very disappointed in my self. My mental health is horrible, I sleep all day and wake thinking about it

  1. Yeast infections can create small paper cut like abrasions that can burn when you urinate. And your doctor would not have tested you for a yeast infection. Go see your doctor to rule that out and surely your cold will clear up on its own.

  2. You had a minor URI and *maybe* a UTI, which might or might not have been connected with your neighbor, who might or might not be trying to back off on the relationship.

    Your only real problem is anxiety. Is there someone you can talk to?

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