How much time and money do you spend on your skincare ?

  1. A normal day I spend about 70-80 minutes in total, split between when I wake up and when I go to bed.

    Idk about money since most products run out at different times. Might spend $0 one month and $200 another.

  2. About an hour or so a day. Cost wise varies but between $20-200 a month depending on the month. My mom had me and my siblings doing a skincare routine as toddlers. She always talked about how your skin is your biggest organ so why not protect it and care for it like you do your other organs.

  3. 5 minutes a day. I use a face wash cleanser with a cotton ball and just tap it over my face morning and evening. It also works as makeup remover. It’s costing around $10 /bottle and lasts up to 6 months depending on how often you use makeup.

  4. Basically nothing lol. I have one cleanser that I use when I shower and I moisturizer after.

  5. I have very sensitive skin, prone to getting eczema on my face. While I try to address my mild acne, I keep my routine light with as few agitating products as possible. I spend about 15-20 mins a day washing once a day and use CeraVe 4% benzoyl peroxide face wash, clindamysin, Differin gel a few times a week, Eucerin lotion, and sunblock. All my products are dermatologist recommended. I’d say I spend about $75-100 for all my products but they last a long time.

  6. Probably 5-10 minutes. I use a moisturizer and retinol in the evening. I’m trying to find a nice moisturizer with sunscreen for the morning but it’s taking a while.

    Edit to add: I don’t spend much, maybe $50 for 6ish months.

  7. Very little. I wash my face with whatever soap I happen to have during my daily shower, I moisturize with a generic lotion that I got for $15 (when I remember to), and I wear sunscreen or a hat if I’m going to be outside. My sister is really into skincare, so sometimes she’ll give me expensive cleansers/serums/essences/creams/etc. if she didn’t like the smell or texture.. but honestly I haven’t noticed a difference from any of them. My skin looks exactly the same when I’ve done my sister’s multi-step Korean skincare routine and when I’ve washed it with bar soap and not moisturized at all, but I still enjoy doing a few minutes of self-care.

  8. Basically 0. I do a mask sometimes but not often. I shower daily but i dont have special products from skincare.

    I do use alot of lotion in the winter though.

  9. My skincare routine is pretty simple.

    Every day, morning and night, I use a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. Takes all of 2-3 minutes each time.

    Once per week, I use a clay mask and it really helps. It keeps my combination skin in check.

    I’d say total cost is around $80 for my daily products and I only need to replace them around every 4 months? They last a while. My clay mask is around $13, so less than $100 total.

  10. Time is minimal.

    AM Routine – Cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen if going outside.

    PM Routine – Cleanser, exfoliant, moisturizer or sleeping mask.

    Products: Murad, Fresh, Biossance, Dermalogica, Kora Organics, Mario Badescu

    Prob ~$150/4-6 weeks

    Supplemented by:

    -Face: facial spray, mask, acne paste
    -Bodycare: eczema cream, nail & cuticle oil

    Accessories: Amope

  11. A total of $55 every two or three months and I wash my face in the shower. Once a week I try to exoliate and that’s probably $35 every 6 months and takes 3 minutes or so.

  12. Maybe 5 minutes a day? Cleanse, serum, toner and moisturiser x2 a day. The total cost of all the products is probably about £80, but that’ll last me around 6 months.

  13. Almost nothing… I wash my face when I shower and then I use this stick spot treatment stuff for acne if that is an issue. I have oily/sensitive skin so I don’t really use moisturizer (I know, I know what a sin).

  14. I put on sunscreen in the mornings, and in the evenings some natural honey on my face before hopping in the shower (works as a cleanser of sorts, apparently. Makes my skin feel clean & moisturized, at least). On average broken down, probably less than 5$ per month.

    The idea of spending more makes me somewhat furious. Too many “LAdIes ~ don’t you want to get rid of those fiNE lINES?!” peppered at me throughout girlhood. I’m fucking bitter now lol. Those skincare CEOs can pry that money out of my cold, dead, wrinkled hands. My only goal is only to prevent skin cancer.

  15. 10-15 minutes a day mainly because I’m slow af. I think I spend about $100 comprehensive of body sunscreens, but I share some products with my brother, and tend to buy during sales

  16. I have pretty low maintenance skin care. I use a gentle cleanser and toner. Sometimes I put on this retinol oil before bed.

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