What comes naturally to men (and feels unnatural not to do) that women dislike?

  1. “Manspreading,” the aggressive act of taking up as much space as possible with our legs to assert to women that we own the space and are superior to them.

    Or, as a not insane person would put it, trying not to crush our balls when we’re sitting.

  2. I don’t know if this sub is just getting more and more filled with stupid angsty teenagers or what, but there are so many misogynistic, victimized, fatalistic takes on here about men and masculinity.

  3. Hand in pants. Every girl I have ever been with has been confused as to why men do this.

  4. I’m comfortable in colder temperatures, and it seems most women can’t tolerate cold temps. I hate doing outdoor winter sports (skiing, camping, swimming, sailing, canoeing, running, etc) with women when they complain the entire time.

  5. There’s a friend of mine that doesn’t like when men put their arm behind their head, like wtf? I need to stretch my triceps. I don’t think girls in general dislike that though

  6. Most women pretty much hate everything men do. So fuck it I do not care and just live my life on my own terms anyways.

  7. sometimes I like to just be quiet and lay down and it doesn’t have to be sexual

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