Have you ever noticed how celebrities always have something to say or always talk in a way that is interesting and entertaining on late-night shows? How did they learn it? Is it pure practice or is there a learning path?

  1. Those late night talk shows are usually scripted, so they already know what the topics are going to be ahead of time. A lot of celebrities have media training as well, making sure they come across as charismatic and interesting. They could also be doing a press run, where they’re basically being asked the same questions over and over in different interviews, so it becomes like muscle memory.

    And I’d say that being a celebrity appeals more to people who have big personalities, as they tend to be more outgoing/extroverted (or can fake it better) than the average person. It’s not always the case, but that’s what I’ve noticed.

  2. They rehearse it and if they don’t promote their projects and persona they don’t earn as much.

    A more accurate way of watching tv interviews for human behavior is watch news reporters interview absolute randos about things they witnessed. And they edit out the fucking morons. The “good” interview are… not great.

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