Humans are messy. And unique. And surprising

Relationships are messy, unique and surprising

How can then articles write out 10 point advice on how to romance? They don’t know me now my crush. They don’t know our background, situation and personality

I think the articles works only for people getting to know each other through dating apps, have highly specific personalities and in highly specific situations

By necessity, this won’t apply for most people

Some Internet media shows high five as the ultimate friend zone sign. Yet me and my crush has this romantic gesture of always saying goodbye with high five, as we feel it is too early to kiss

Many media pieces seem to think that sex super early is the norm. Sex on third date is fine, but be sure to wait five months before introduction them to any parents (this seems upside down to me)

And some of the tricks and tips they give, like to flirt with someone else to see if the crush reacts or shower your crush with gifts, can actually be really toxic. I also do not really like the whole thing with “by x number of dates you can do this and by y number of dates you can do this”

Like. I think places like this place, where you can input a little bit of info of situation can be helpful. But these general statements one size fits all, I don’t really like them

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