On Friday morning, this guy I’ve been casually seeing for a while suggested we meet up around 9pm. I said that would be fine. Plans were never confirmed, but I texted him around 7pm and asked if he still wanted to meet up that night… no response. About an hour and a half later I texted him “just let me know when you can.” Never got any kind of response. He’s done this a couple times before and it’s getting old. I get that it’s casual and plans weren’t confirmed, but it’s not cool to leave anyone hanging like that. Takes two seconds to text back “hey not tonight.” How to call him out?

  1. Find a man that values you, jeez he is using you and your sharing him with his many others?
    He knows by you keep messaging him he had you were he wants you.
    He must be some good dick

  2. That was definitely inconsiderate of him, especially seeing as he was the one who suggested meeting up. You can either say something to him about it or do the same thing to him and see how he likes it.

  3. Don’t bother with this guy, if he’s not respectful of your time from the getgo it’s unlikely to get any better.

    If you do decide to keep this guy around, I’d call him out basically how you did here : „ Hey, I get this is casual and things weren’t confirmed, but it’s not cool to leave anyone hanging like that. Going forward, I ask that you respect my time and let me know when plans change.“

  4. Ghost him.

    Just delete his number from your phone and move on.

    He’s not worth your time , emotions or effort.

    If he’s a casual partner then you can definitely do better.

    You have a value, what you have to offer means something, your efforts aren’t being matched by his.

    I’m willing to be that it would take you only minutes to find a new Casual.

    You’ll go thru the vetting process, but you learned a valuable lesson from the flake , and now you can do you.

  5. >How to call him out?

    Assuming you still want to hook up with this guy again then just be straight up: “if you want us to keep hooking up, you need to stop being a flake.”

  6. Is there something about this guy that another guy (who’s more dependable) couldn’t do?

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