Any fathers become emotional when their first kid being a daughter was born? Like randomly seeing anything to do with daddy/daughter things.

  1. Weird thing happened for me a few days after we brought her home. I was watching her as she was asleep. She was approximately 1 week old. I saw her and got so overwhelmed with love and I could see her face and somehow was able to see what she would look like as a young lady. She’s 17 now. Yeah, today she sort of looks like how I remember that moment. Really weird.

  2. Yes. Every baby to toddler age child makes me smile. As long as they aren’t acting a fool. But even if they are, I get a strong feeling of wanting to parent them that I have to ignore. Whether it be a hug or a speech. Or both.

  3. When tough little boys grow up to be dads, they turn into big babies again – Gary Allan

    (Scuse me while I choke up.)

  4. Yes. I remember the country song “I loved her first” was on the radio shortly after we had her. That song gets me every time. I promised myself I would always stay close to her and genuinely take interest in her interests while showing her my interests. She is 15 now and we are still very tight.

  5. I wanted a boy SO BADLY that when my daughter came out I was a little bummed out. I just sat there in a daze as the nurses weighed/measured her and did their thing. Then one of the nurses said, “Hey dad…do you want to hold her and follow me down the hall to the room where we clean the babies up, get them dressed, etc.?”

    She handed me my daughter and I followed her down a hallway. As we were walking I was mumbling to myself, “Why couldn’t you have been a boy?” That part of the hospital was being renovated and the hallway was dimly lit. I was looking at her while walking and she opened her eyes up and stared at me. My heart melted on the spot and I said, “O.K., this will work.”

    Now I have grand kids and recently had my first granddaughter. I am smitten.

  6. Reading these makes me want a daughter now. I don’t have kids yet but damn they brought a tear to my eye

  7. Knew we were having a daughter and I was excited. When she came, I was very emotional and couldn’t stop staring at her, she was so beautiful. She had a tongue tie, so she had a hard time latching during breast feeding, so I got to feed her by dripping milk on my finger while putting it in her mouth the first night. I got to really bond with her while my wife rested.

    I also had doubts she was my child because she didn’t look anything like me when she came out. She had dark hair, dark eyes, and the eye shape didn’t match mom or I. At the same time, though, I knew 100% my wife wouldn’t cheat on me, but that’s being a human. Fast forward a few years and she is 1,000% my mini me. The only thing she got from mom was the eyes.

  8. Became possessive, like instantly. Former Army so yeah went into full on soldier mode. Told the staff MINE when they tried to take her for weight and such.

  9. Yes.

    Also digging through all the media to find positive competant father daughter shows / films / books / etc. was harder than it should have been. I think it has gotten a little better though.

  10. Not really answering the question, but I am so glad we had a girl. I really enjoy the relationship we have, and I think it would be different to having a boy.

    Having said that, if we had had a boy, I would probably feel the same.

  11. Idk if it’s permissible for me to answer this. I was the first child. My dad to this day says that I changed his life. He says that I’m his lucky charm. My name’s meaning in arabic translates to happiness, he named me!

    He hates it when I cry. He has a great sense of humor, and would go to lengths to make me laugh. The slightest pain I go through affects him immensely, he fainted when I was admitted to the hospital for a really minute thing. He has provided me with a wonderful life. He has always got my back.

    My dad used to be the tough guy who shields his emotions, short tempered and very uptight. After me my mom days he completely became a whole new person. Love him so freaking much.

    Ps. He isn’t this loving towards my younger brother, does everything for him too …. but it’s not the same lol.

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