Sorry in advance for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies. I can’t think straight right now because I’m still trying to process the whole situation.

It was my dad’s birthday and after I got off of work I went to buy some things to surprise him with when he got home. When I got home the rest of my family was there like usual and we were waiting for my dad to get home to surprise him. He usually gets home around 1-2 hours after I get home and it was nearing that time so I decided to check my dad’s location on find my iPhone to get ready to surprise him. When I opened the app and checked his location my heart dropped. The man was in a motel a couple of miles away from his work. The moment I saw this I immediately thought that he was cheating, but I also thought maybe he was doing something else, which I feel like was me trying to deny the possibility at the time. I kept checking the location and he was still there so I decided to call him but he didn’t pick up. Then my mom asked me if I could check his location to which I replied “what if you just try and call him?” she did and also no answer. It broke my heart knowing that my mom was so excited to surprise him and he was probably out cheating. She asked of I could check his location again a couple of minutes later and I didn’t say a word. I just stared at her frozen. What could I say at the time? I was trying to process things and if I told her what was going I don’t know what would’ve happened. Anyways, he finally called my mom back an hour after I first looked at his location and then he called me. The convo wasn’t necessarily important it was about something with my sibling, but he sounded like he was tired and catching his breath. After the call I saw that he was getting out of the motel and coming back home. He got home and got his surprise and things went on as if nothing happened.

Right now I don’t know what to do or say. I always thought that the “perfect” lives we live together as a family was too good to be true. That one of us was going to do something to fuck things up. I knew that day would come but not this soon. I want to tell my mom about this but I don’t have solid proof. I just have the screenshot of his location at the motel and also I don’t want to break up the family (although I know it’s not me breaking up the family, it’s him because of his actions). If I was an only child I would have probably already told her but I’m not I have other siblings who are underage and who need both of them. My dad is great, he takes care of us and is a great role model to us, but that all went to shit after today at least for me because I’m the only one who knows. I need some advice on this situation. I feel so lost and alone because I don’t feel comfortable telling anyone else who I’m close to.

  1. I would gather more proof before doing anything. Keep on quietly tracking his location and see if this happens again.

    If it’s confirmed, then I don’t know… you could start by confronting him with the evidence and decide based on his reaction. Hopefully he would go and confess to your mother about the affair. If not, then you must choose between your parents.

  2. If you dont say and do anything, you have to live with the knowledge that your dad is sleeping with other woman for the rest of your life. Can you live with that?. Can you change how you look at him, hiding the disgust in your eyes. What about your mom?. Can you look at her face knowing your dad might be fucking other woman?.

    I suggest you gather more evidence. When you see your dad at the motel again, go there and see what he is doing there. Then with these evidence, you have to go and talk to your mom. She is the one who need to know the truth and decide what needs to be done next.

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