Hey. I’m a college student and a few days into this semester I met a girl. She seemed pretty chill until she asked me out to lunch. I was busy so I had to decline but soon after that she started acting pretty weird. We decided to do some homework together and she immediately started talking about Valentine’s Day and how she’s going to be alone on her birthday. Problem is, I would normally be okay with this though she does not stop texting me, nor does not stop talking when we’re with each other. And I’ve only known her for two weeks. I don’t like her so what do I do, ghost her, see what happens. Please give me some advice

  1. Nothing is forcing you to continue communication or being around her. If you don’t like it, are uncomfortable or it’s just flat out annoying you don’t owe her anything. You have only been speaking for a short period of time. Just move on.

  2. Cowards ghost. Grown-ups have an actual conversation (in real life, face-to-face, not on the phone) and say, “no thank you”.

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