What lies have you told and do you regret it?

  1. During small talk, “how was your weekend?” and answering “not bad,” is not wrong. To help someone (in certain situations). No, I don’t regret meaningless lies for work and for small talk, acquaintance conversations.

  2. To protect privacy (either your own or someone else’s). If you had a breakdown before going out, I think it’s okay to tell your friends that you were late because you had a makeup mishap or had to fill up on gas. If someone asks you about a friend who’s going through rough times but doesn’t want anyone else to know, it’s okay to lie and say the friend’s been under the weather or something. When truth comes out, if it ever does, people tend to be understanding about a desire to protect privacy.

  3. When you know a person won’t take nicely to you rejecting them, saying something like “I have a boyfriend” Will cause a lot less drama than saying “I’m not interested in you”

  4. Depression. If random people ask me how i am im not gonna tell them about my dark intrusive thoughts that bring my day down. Just gonna say “im good😉”.

  5. When you tell your kids the ice cream place or any place you don’t want to go is “closed” 😂

  6. To protect someone else’s feelings/wellbeing. For example: My mom had an elderly aunt, she was above 90 when two of her children died, the rest of the family decided not to tell her. Whenever she asked about them, they would say “oh, they came around but you were sleeping.” No need to make her suffer.

  7. Don’t wanna hurt someone’s feelings. Protecting privacy. Planning a surprise. Don’t want them to worry about something out of their reach to help. Making things easier when dealing with strangers.

    Like earlier this week I was very sick, suspected covid. My mom texted me like she always does and I told her I was just fine, telling her “I’m at the hospital felling like I’m coughing out a lung” would only make her sick with worry and would do no good at all.

  8. When you don’t want to be having a conversation. Sometimes lying is the fastest way out of talking about some stupid shit.

  9. When people ask the day to day “how are you” and you say ” I’m fine ” but really that’s a lie 😅

    >What lies have you told and do you regret it?

    Apart from the above day to day survival *fib* I don’t lie. My philosophy is tell one lie you’ll have to remember it for everyone

  10. When you want to. Sometimes people don’t need to know things, and sometimes it’s fun. I lie at bars and give fake names, or when a boss is being annoying and you have to be pleasant and take the quickest, most efficient way out of a squeeze.

  11. when it literally doesn’t matter at all. someone asks you a totally irrelevant to anything question that has a really long answer and you don’t feel like explaining it to them? just make up something. especially if you likely won’t have to talk to them about it again or you won’t see them often, it’s literally no harm done.

  12. dealing with a sensitive person who likes to argue. I’d lie to avoid the headache. the only thing i regret is not cutting them off sooner

  13. When my mom asks if I’ve been hanging out with my dad recently. I have, and I am closer to my dad and his new partner than I am with my mom and her new partner. My mom does not need to know that though, she will feel better if she thinks I have equal amounts of contact with her and dad.

    I do not regret it.

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