I was in a relationship for 5 years, didn’t have sex, got some intimacy but nothing more than that cause she wanted to wait till marriage and I respected her boundaries. The only rule I asked her to follow in this relationship was you can do whatever you want, anything you like even if you want to date someone else or anything but before that just inform me that what you are up to. Never told her no for anything she wanted to do. Last night I caught her cheating with my roommate. I can’t see the guilt in her, still I forgave her but the whole day she’s been asking me hows my roomie, when he will go to lunch, walking with him, sitting with him… I don’t know what to do, how to deal with this, work in the same company same domain, lives in my building only and tbh… I’m hurt.. There was only 1 rule that she had to follow but… Now I have only a question which I wanted to ask her… 5 years of what…

  1. To be really blunt: How could you be that stupid? I relly don’t mean that as an offense but she clearly is a horrible person. Dump her, dump you roommate and work on yourself.

  2. A waste of time? If you put it that way, all past relationships will fall into that category lol

    Why make those rules though? What would change if you knew she’s dating someone else? Unless you’re into NTR. You’re just asking for it.

  3. Oh shit your young whole life ahead of you fuck that chick . You will do so much better. You learned a hard lesson earlier in life . You are so much better than this chick she was just using you . If a girl really love you they can wait to ripe your clothes off . You where always in her friends zone don’t believe this was the first guy she hook up with . For your own mental health try to find another job and another friend.

  4. This makes no sense OP. How you catched her cheating? Making out? Having sex with him?

    23 (you both?? Is she 23?) and 5 years dating? Begining at 17 and wanting to wait for marriage that was gonna happen when?

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