I have been dating a guy for three months. We both came out of crappy relationships 6+ months ago. We have not talked about any relationship. We go on dates once a week at least if not twice. He said he was looking for “the one” when we started dating. It’s been three months, and I decided to ask him if he wanted to be my date for a work event. He simply said “no thanks.” What does this even mean? Is it just a no? No I don’t want to go with you because I don’t see us dating? I don’t want to meet your coworkers? How should I take this? And what should I even respond?

  1. It means he doesn’t want to be your date and probably doesn’t want to commit and just wants to be FWB

  2. I think it’s time you have the good old fashioned “what are we” talk. No one can tell you but him

  3. I am probably on the spectrum and I’d give this answer to a partner because: work events suck, people stress the sh*t out of me and i do not like crowds of people that may judge me AND my date. Going to a concert full of strangers is ok, but an event with people that know you is a lot of pressure to people like me.

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