So last year for Valentine’s Day/one year anniversary, my bf (22M) got me (21F) a Nintendo switch. He knew I had just started saving up whatever was left after bills and tuition to buy myself one but he beat me to the punch. I used the money that I saved to buy him something else on top of his other gift since I felt my gift was smaller in comparison.

Anyways, he’s mentioned a few days ago that he was thinking of getting a switch so we can play together when he goes away for work but I’m not sure if it would be appropriate to get him one. I asked some friends what they thought and some said it’s ok but others said it’ll seem like I put no thought into our two year anniversary.

I would love for us to play together when we’re apart and I have the money to afford a console and a game or two for himself but would it seem like I’m just using his idea as my own?

TL;DR: BF got me a switch last year, so is it ok for me to get him one this year?

  1. It’s absolutely ok to gift him a switch. It’s not like you’re buying him a switch so he has a switch, but so you two can do something fun and engaging together. And spending quality time with your S/O means so much more than just a console. The switch is just the means to do so.

  2. You’re overthinking it. If he mentioned he wants one and it’s an activity you guys would be doing together, the you should go for it. After two years, you shouldn’t be worried about him thinking you didn’t put thought into it.

  3. Great idea! Do it!

    > I asked some friends what they thought and some said it’s ok but others said it’ll seem like I put no thought into our two year anniversary.

    What planet are these friends living on? Getting him something you know he wants is the opposite of putting no thought into the gift. The fact that this is an *obvious* good gift doesn’t diminish it. Do your friends think you need to try and guess at something he wants but hasn’t expressed wanting? Do they want you to get him something he might not really like? I’m flabbergasted.

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