So..I had a post recently where this random guy popped up on my gf’s insta, and turned out he was a stalker. The story was that they used to date, was only a couple of weeks but she didn’t want anything to do with him. However in those couple of weeks she told me that they took pictures together, as he had it on his accounts, she was tagged in the pictures so others could see, he met both of her best friends within a week and people could see including family they they have photos together.

We had a talk a short while ago as it’s been months, she wasn’t comfortable posting any pictures of us and wasn’t comfortable with me tagging her in any as it’s rude that her family doesn’t know and it’s a bit early. It has been months…she didn’t seem comfortable with me meeting her friends fully and has only now just opened it. Should I be upset in anyway that, this guy posted her, tagged her and she didn’t care about it, even with family seeing and when it came to friends, she was fine with him meeting them within a week or should I be worried?

PS: If I am being crazy please tell me so and why

TL;DR: Read above please

  1. She’s probably more cautious now as a direct result of what happened with the last guy. If she had met you first, she probably wouldn’t have cared about taking it so slow. Considering what she’s been through, her hesitation is understandable.

  2. Don’t worry, she’s perhaps just being cautious this time around with you, taking things more slowly.

    If you really want to know, though, you could simply ask her why things seem different with you.

  3. It sure sounds like she’s gotten older and wiser and learned how jumping in with both feet can backfire, and so she’s more cautious now.

    It’s pretty common for women not to post datey pictures to instagram for the first couple of months. It’s not personal.

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