How do you show your love to the people around you?

  1. Depends on who it is. I am more of a doer and problem solver, so that is usually my go to.

  2. I’m actually really bad at it, when people care about me too much I tend to push them away at an accelerated rate

  3. Basically I just try to make whoever’s around me feel comfortable to be their true selves free of worries about judgement or rejection. My biggest strengths are probably being a compassionate understanding listener, and pretty good at comforting people. I’m also always down to help people out or support them with whatever they need, and I dunno if it falls under the umbrella of love, but I like to take care of everyone by doing things like cooking and making sure everyone’s having a good time at parties and stuff.

  4. While a bit over simplifying, those love languages are real. The bigger question is which expressions of love our best received? I can perform acts of service for someone I care about all day long. But if she’s looking for me to give kind words or express my love physically, those acts of service might go largely unnoticed.

  5. I do stuff. When I was just dating my wife, it was amazing how many things I “just happened to have in my car” to fix stuff in her apartment.

  6. by being present. often providing food and drink and trying to help out where i can

    and occasionally physically if i know someones alright with that. though im very carefull with that because most of my peers have a… backstory.

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