I’m not sure why I think this or where it started but I’m always worried people will think I’m lying. I put off opening up with my doctor about my mental health because I thought she’d think I was a fraud or something. It’s not just with doctors. I’m just wondering if I’m alone in this or if this might be common. It’s pretty annoying since I know it’s mostly in my head. I have an appointment this week to up my medication and I’m nervous she’ll think it’s unnecessary or Im being untruthful about how it affects me.

  1. It’s called imposter syndrome. Almost everyone gets it from time to time. Sometimes people get it even when they are top level experts in the field.

    The trick is to acknowledge and ignore the feeling and remind yourself to listen and be open if someone asks you a question or provides feedback. Don’t react like it’s attacking or accusing you of being a fraud.

    You are being genuine if you are honest but also willing to learn.

    You can’t be a fraud if you’re genuine

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