So this would my first ever post in the subreddit but I really want to make sure about this cause this taking way too much space of my brain.

So basically i met this girl on snapchat like 2 Weeks ago and have been chatting with her everyday ever since , she made the first move and told me that she likes me , but because of how bad I understood the signs last time i was talking to a girl , i have been trying to not overthink every message a girl sends me.

So I usually sends the first message but she would do it every two days , i added her on instagram too and she has around 1K followers ( don’t know if this is a con ) , she showed me her last 10 received chats and apparently I’m the only guy she opens his streaks or respond to his texts, but she usually takes about 5 minutes to answer every time ( can take up to 30 mins sometimes ) but she isn’t dry and responds with many messages, she told me she loves me after i told her how happy i was when she told me a long happy story that happened to her that day , every since i tell her that i love her every now and then and she would always respond by i love you more , she also send me tiktoks every day about partners kissing each other and such and i told her i really want to try the feeling and she would text me that she have the same feeling. She would also try to flirt with me and ask me why don’t i like her face and such , but lately i opened up to her that i really love her and I wouldnt like to lose her , she responded she also wouldn’t want to lose me but she also said that she didn’t really expect to love her cause I don’t know many things about her and it’s impossible that i loved her from the first , then i also said i would like to have you as a gf in the future , she said that would happen if we don’t die and life goes along and i treat her like she really is my gf it would work.
Ever since it was weird at first she told me she wants to go to sleep because she’s sad , and left me on delivered for like 4 hours while she was online the whole time and answered with 4 messages with 5 minutes between every message and showed me proof she wasnt messaging anyone by showing me all of her dms , but since this incident everything came back to usual and she keeps sending me reels every now and then every day while responding to my messages with the same time delay but not dry at all , she also told me she didn’t want to get back with her exes when they asked so , when i asked why she told she loves a new guy and always refers to him by the word him , which she always uses when she sends a reel a tiktok or a streak . ( him>>) for example. But at the same time she told me unlimited times that am the only guys she talks to and considers me as a close and a best friend.

Tl;dr i would die to know if she really loves me as she says before i make more moves in terms of showing my feelings more and such.

I would extremely appreciate any answers because I really just ran out of options.

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