How can I build upper body muscle using running/treadmill and rowing machine?

  1. You.. can’t?

    Running/Treadmill is lower and cardiovascular

    Rowing is shoulders back calves and thighs and I think a little core


    But none of these things are comparatively *GOOD* for shoulder, chest or biceps, triceps or forearms.

  2. Get into press up position with your feet on the ground and your hands on the treadmill. Start treadmill and walk with your arms

  3. By selling them and using that money to buy a gym membership.

    Seriously though, cardio is terrible for building muscle. You absolutely have to do some sort of resistance training, even if it’s just bodyweight exercises in the beginning.

  4. Running you can’t. You’ll lose some fat and that may reveal some minor tone only by removing fat. Rowing can be effective at building muscle, general upper body but experienced rowers always have very pronounced lats, traps, quads – not always the most even build. Buy a kettle bell for $50 and pull up some youtube videos on HIIT / tabata workouts you can do at home. Just follow along with the video, it’s a great way to start cheap at home.

  5. Do push ups. Get some dumbbells. Hell, curl grocery bags with soup cans in them. Unopened cans.

    You might have to get creative if you’re on a budget.

  6. Well the rowing machine will work your back. Do push ups as well for your chest/triceps

  7. Those are for cardio, though rowing is good for your back.

    Ignore most of the gymrats on Reddit- cardio is the most important kind of exercise, so keep it up.

    To build muscle, though, (and I suspect you’re talking biceps and pecs here) you’ll probably need to get some weights.

  8. You don’t not running you’ll build some not alot. Rowing will help mainly bake and shoulders for chest do bench and push ups

  9. Neither of these is going to provide a balanced upper body workout.

    Asking a question like this makes me think you haven’t done even the most basic Google search on exercise plans.

  10. You won’t with just those. The very least is doing calisthenics. Push-ups, pull-ups, rows, and dips. Alternate between types and increase reps. Use weighted vests, belts, even a backpack to increase difficulty.

  11. Run on the treadmill using only your arms…? Turn it off and do press ups on it? Lie down under the treadmill and bench press it? Bicep curls with the treadmill? Sky is your limit, man! Tricep dips on the side kinda go without saying…

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