TBH I would probably go to every bank and take as much cash as possible, it’s all federally insured so it wouldn’t matter. I’m obviously going to wear all black and a mask and gloves so no DNA and walk as far as possible and then change clothes

  1. What would happen to clocks. Do they continue working telling the correct time, which had stopped, by stopping?

  2. If all “machines” work, that means the cameras all still work too. Including bank cameras, ATM cameras, street light cameras, and any camera that could catch you without a mask on.

    Not a great plan…

  3. what would you do with all that cash? you can’t make any major purchases, and you can’t deposit it. you’d have to wash it.

    i can just see all those dudes sitting there on a friday night looking up “money laundering” in the dictionary.

    besides, most banks keep the vault closed anyway. without knowing how to open it, what would you get? a few hundred bucks from the drawer? and how do you know which bills are theft marked?


    personally, i see no tangible benefit to time stoppage. it wouldn’t make driving any easier, so what good is it.

  4. I feel like you manufactured this to have bank robbery make sense lol. What else would I do, catch up on my wood working?

  5. Cameras will track you since they still work. Wouldn’t be hard to find you since you’re the only person moving during that hour.

  6. >it’s all federally insured so it wouldn’t matter

    That isn’t even close to how either the law or ethics work.

  7. Oh, so I can finally have that extra hour in a day I’ve been praying for all my life?

    Take some extra time sleeping, spend more time on my hobbies, watch some movies, have a bit of extra time to finish and check urgent work tasks.. spend some extra time thinking through my moves when my friends and I play board games.

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