I am ( 22 F) a very social and easy to get along with person. I mainly grew up on video games so most of my Close friends were guys. When I got to college it was really easy to make friends, I was able to make so many cool friends (both guys and girls) but I noticed over the years that I would not know how to maintain my female friendships. I still have a few; but I’ll get to that in a second. The problem was that my friendship circles eventually became mainly guys again, and it was a problem because… I’m not really “one of the guys” like they would eventually plan things just “for the boys” and I was obviously not invited. They would do this often and eventually I felt like I was drifting from them, I didn’t know anything about their inside jokes during their hangouts, I was feeling completely left out, like none of them see me in the way I see them… which sucked. Feeling left out with the guys, my close friends, arguably my best friends at the time, was a real heartbreaker. So I thought about this time in my life again and decided that maybe I needed closer female friendships so that I never had to feel left out. Well at first it went well, I was spending holidays with them, we did a gift exchange, I was always invited to almost everything I could go to. But one day a few months before the pandemic, I found out that all my close female friends went to an amusement park without me. I was really upset and sad when I found out, but then I thought maybe they thought I was too busy (since I am pre med) and didn’t invite me for that reason. But then it kept happening, one day they went to a beach house, and I was so upset and sad that I finally told them how I felt and they said that they were sorry and it was “spur of the moment”. We made up and I honestly did see them doing more things without inviting me since then, but obviously I tried to treat it like a “spur of the moment” like they said. I want to believe them, and I know they love and care about me. But tonight was honestly the worst night for me. I texted one of my close gfs that I had some gifts for her birthday, that I really wanted to celebrate it with her and that I really really missed her. Then I texted my other best friend that we need to plan something for her bday but she almost kinda ignored my text about the bday and responded to something else I showed her. I thought it was weird but I tried to think nothing of it. Later that night, I was looking at our other friends Instagram and saw that they had all went to a vineyard together to celebrate the birthday. They were there all day today. And I didn’t even know about it. These are my actual best friends, and I couldn’t help but feel anger, sadness, and loneliness. And I want to text them and say how disappointed I am, and how I had wished I had received an invite but I just don’t want to create drama on her birthday. It’s not drama to me, it’s honestly my feelings. I feel horrible, honestly. I wish I could have a single best friend that I know loved me wholeheartedly like I would love them. It’s just so depressing. I value friendship so much and feel like I’m always feeling betrayed and hurt.

  1. I don’t have any advice because I’ve gone through this and still don’t have any real close friends, but just wanted to say I feel you and the feeling sucks. I hope you find someone who truly cares for you ❤️

  2. They are not your friends, you deserve much better. I would not give them a second chance if i was in your position.

  3. I feel your pain, but it sounds like you waited till the very last minute to plan your friends birthday. Birthday planning needs to be at bare minimum a week in advance, but realistically two weeks normal minimum.

    What do you have in common with your female friends other than you being female? Like you’re a self professed gamer, what about them. Do you play online with them? What interests of theirs do you share?

    I’m going off your quote where you say that you know they love and care about you. If that’s the case, just going off that, is there like a depressive energy or vibe that you give off, are you needy, or do you find yourself not being able to contribute to conversations alot and tend to just be the quiet one in the group?

    If you were to analyze the situation rather than wallow in the shitty feeling about being left out, what do you think could be the reasons you weren’t a part of the vineyard festivities? Could it have been a logistics thing, are you a non drinker?

    Before you come to the conclusion that they are just shitty people that you need to break off from, try to rule everything else out, since it’s obvious you care about them, and as you stated they care about you.

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