How do you feel when a new guy is approaching you? Do you wonder if he want to date, just wanna be nice or friendly?

  1. To be completely honest, I always assume there’s an ulterior motive if a man approaches me. I’ve had way too many experiences that prove that to be the usual case. It always has me on my guard and feeling skeptical.

  2. Generally when I’m being approached by anyone, regardless of gender, I think “ugh fuck, what now?”

  3. In my experience, guys NEVER approach you unless they are interested in you, i.e., they expect sex or will at some point. So I am always on my guard and ready to rebuff as quickly as possible.

  4. Usually something along the lines of “urgh what does he want” because 9 times out of ten I just don’t want to be bothered when I’m out and about

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