What do you think about crop tops for toddlers?

  1. Hell no. Toddlers don’t need crop tops. No one does, but toddlers? Gross. Let them be toddlers.

  2. Maybe if it’s really hot outside?

    They’re toddlers, I don’t think crop tops are sexualizing them.

  3. There’s no issue with a toddler’s stomach showing – only an issue with how certain people view it.

    Those particular people are the problem, not the stomach being visible.

  4. I don’t see an issue with it, in warm weather. There’s nothing inherently sexual about an uncovered stomach on a grown woman when it’s hot, nevermind a toddler.

    Fashion crop tops in inappropriate climates might be another matter, but again I don’t think they’re inherently sexual so I’d be more inclined to tell adults to stop policing a child’s clothes.

  5. If the kid isn’t complaining about it being uncomfortable or anything like that then who cares

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