I think there’s a common sentiment of not taking incidents or comments as personal attacks, and if those comments are actually meant to be offensive, you should let go of the feelings and ‘forgive’ them or accept it with humor.

But at the same time, things people say about you or how they treat you can be an indicator of your personal flaws or failings. It might be hurtful to grasp but it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily untrue.

For example, if people constantly talk over you in conversations or don’t take you seriously or talk shit about you in front of you or when people are constantly trying to ‘teach’ you things well you damn well understood it already, it could be an indicator that others don’t think you are worthy of respect, either because of the way you put yourself or accomplishments just aren’t worthy.

If you take it personally, at least you’ll have fuel to improve yourself in many aspects of life, such as going to the gym, being more disciplined, being more social and assertive, so that the people who gave you hard time can’t really bring you down like they use to because they don’t really have the ammo.

The only problem is remembering and keeping all the things that are directed to you, bearing that weight alone, while at the same time not try to explode that on anybody all at once, but instead slowly releasing them as strong fuel for your goals. But holding to this stress is about the resiliency of the person more than anything.

I feel like the common sentiment of ‘taking it easy’ or ‘forgiving’ makes you more content with your flawed self and subservient of the people who wronged you. It’s not like you can have the power to ‘forgive’ them in the first place at the level you’re at.

But at the same time, holding on to the resentment, and keeping tabs on your wins and losses along the way to your goal can be quite exhausting. Maybe this is just normal for everybody? and I’m just whining about it

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  2. Self-awareness of one’s improvement areas and taking things personally are two different things.

    Not taking things personally implies not driving yourself crazy about every random thing that happened, especially involving people who dont mean much. Its a recipe to drive yourself insane.

    But that doesn’t absolve one from self improvement. Look for patterns to identify areas of improvement and then work on them. That’s for all of us.

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