Unfortunately I got into some trouble last night which resulted in me being arrested. Basically I was robbed and was arrested for criminal damage for my retaliatory act. I am not proud of it, and am extremely upset with myself as I am trying to work towards a life abroad (Spain and/or South America). I have been released under investigation and it looks likely that I’ll either face a ‘restorative justice’ order or a caution. Prior to this, I was arrested a few times when I was younger for some stupid fights while out (My town was a very provocative place, again I’m not proud about this) some 15 years ago.

I am wondering if I’ve essentially written off any hope of emigrating abroad, as I assume most visa processes involve a criminal background check. Does anyone have any experience of emigrating with a criminal record? Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  1. If your post is about getting a visa (for the UK), about visas, citizenship, or residency in the UK – please visit /r/UKVisa, /r/IWantOut or speak to [a registered Immigration Advisor](https://www.gov.uk/find-an-immigration-adviser)

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  2. Do you actually have a criminal record? A caution wouldn’t stop you from emigrating.
    Other than that it’s down to the policy of the country you’re emigrating, the US and Canada have quite right restrictions for example but Spain I wouldn’t have thought so.

  3. Your previous issues with the law would have made you criminally inadmissible without the incident last night…

  4. Have you ever been in any of the ex-pat communities in Spain? I can think of at least one multiple murderer who owns a “British” bar.

  5. Only very serious criminals are prevented from moving abroad. An assault is not enough for that. If you have a passport, you can go abroad. But… your criminal record will follow you and will affect finding jobs. Nevertheless, again, a fight is not a big deterrent for at least some employers. Everyone can get involved in a fight and end up as a criminal.
    And those you mention from 15 years ago, they are most surely spent convictions and have, in practice, disappeared, no need to mention them and shouldn’t be taken into account.

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