Throw away for obvious reasons.

I (18f) was having sex with my friend (19m) last night. I had never orgasmed before and I was on top of him. I told him that I felt like I was going to piss and he told me that it could be an orgasmed building up. I asked what if it’s just piss and he told me that whatever happens happens. It ended up being both. It was definitely an orgasm and it felt very intense. It lasted for a pretty long time. I did feel like I was peeing as well, it felt like there was a release of pressure and things were getting really wet and warm. The bad part was that I couldn’t get off of him in the moment and for some reason he didn’t push me off. He laughed a little and told me that I got a bit too excited. The sheets were very wet and smelled like pee. I apologized and felt embarrassed, he told me it was fine and made a joke about how some men pay good money for experiences like that. He suggested we shower off together and insisted on cleaning the sheets. It seems like he was fine with it, but he had lost his erection after I peed on him and didn’t end up cumming.

While I do feel embarrassed, I found the experience weirdly arousing. For some reason, the thought that I peed on him seems really hot to me and the feeling of having pressure build up and release was incredible. I want to experience it again. Do I have a piss kink? Should I bring this up to him?

  1. sounds like you squirted – thats awesome! nothing to be worried or stressed about. he may have gotten soft as he was not expecting it but many, many, many, many people are very very very into that.

  2. Achievement unlocked. Any dude who gets weirded out by somebody squirting during orgasm ain’t worth fuckin. Go forth and squirt (but have towels handy next time).

  3. Very likely, completely non-issue. He said he was fine with it and reacted well. It’s a super common fetish and an ego boost for some guys. He was respectful about it it seems. As long as he doesn’t get creepy about it, just take the opportunity to get comfortable with that part of you.

    If you still feel uncomfortable, talk to him and open up about what makes you feel uncomfortable.

  4. I’m gonna reply as a woman with a slight piss kink.

    The fact that you’re aroused that you could have possibly peed on him leads me to think that you may be into that. And that’s okay! The first time I squirted, it smelled slightly like pee. I freaked out and went to go pee afterwards, and sure enough, I peed. So, it was lady juice too. But also some piss. That’s what a true female squirt looks/smells/feels like.

    I do love that there’s piss in the mix because it’s just plain dirty and taboo. Again, there’s nothing wrong with that and it’s perfectly okay! Sounds like your friend enjoyed it 🙂 don’t worry!

  5. He seemed to enjoy it. Get a waterproof bed protector and a sex blanket (also waterproof for easy cleanup). I would talk to him and find out how much he wants to lean into this. He might be totally down and he seemed to know what could happen.

  6. I squirt with fingers and it has always been clear with no scent of any kind and no taste, but very liquid and it kind of pours out a little with some actual ‘spray’, I think due to the fingering? When it’s dry it becomes almost crystaline just like cum. I can never figure out what the hell it’s made of, but it seems completely different from urine. 🤷‍♀️

  7. Good times ahead and oh, try not to ruin each other if it doesn’t work out… pro tip

  8. I think that’s great and he has a good personality about it. He’s right some men will pay for that lol. I’ve never experienced that but it sounds hot to me 🤷🏼‍♂️ doooo not feel embarrassed

  9. sounds very hot. nobody should be curbing your pleasure op. i never understood this double standard. when us guys finish it’s often a cleanup job. yet society neither bats an eyelash (even when sometimes it literally gets in shortys eye), nor shames us. never. women deserve to make as big of a mess as they need to get off imo (within reason lol). maybe next time grab a towel or waterproof sheets in advance. or just aim for his mouth(my personal preference tbh). besides that i say own it. congrats on your orgasm.

  10. The way he handled this was very very sweet. Don’t worry about him loosing his erection it sounds like he was just focused on making sure you were OK.

    Things like this happen with sex, don’t worry. Glad you had fun!

  11. Your bf reacted perfectly! It’s a bodily reaction so nothing to be ashamed about. Sex can get a bit messy from time to time. He had fun, you had fun, you cleaned up together – sounds perfect to me.

  12. Oh how i wish i was him. I’m sure he enjoyed himself. And one day he’ll ask for it in his face.

  13. You’re fine. Maybe you have a piss kink, maybe you don’t. He honestly sounds cool with it either way. First time my partner squirted when I was going down on her, it tasted “off” so I’m pretty sure a lot of it was pee. Whatever. Sex is messy and fun and weird and normal. Just clean up afterwards.

  14. 1. Aww and also that happens – funny enough some people find a slightly full bladder makes it easier to orgasm but the trade off is ya might pee

    2. If you want to test your newfound golden shower interest: try the shower. OR invest in rubber sheets. or both!

  15. You might have piss kink or squirt kink even though they are pretty same. Also maybe this is the first time your partner got squirted on so that’s why his erection went down, If your partner is cool with it then its great just communicate. He might also be into waterworks except he never tried it. Squirting or urinating you’ll feel the same pressure and pleasure, the difference between squirt and piss (urine) is squirt contains less amount of urea & small amount of PSA (prostatic-specific antigen) it its less concentrated.

  16. Rosie Rees sells waterproof squirt blankets for this very thing 🙂

    I’m not for or against it personally but I dated someone who loved it.. so I indulged him whenever he asked. It didn’t weird me out or gross me out, there was no shame or embarrasment in any of it. We generally stuck to the shower because the clean up was easier, but had I had one of those blankets – who knows?

    It’s definitely worth a conversation. It definitely isn’t something to be embarrassed about.

  17. If it wasn’t yellowish in color most likely it wasn’t urine. Technically a woman’s bladder is supposed to be shut off during arousal just like in males. During orgasm a little urine might escape but it shouldn’t be a lot. Most likely you ejaculated on him. It doesn’t come from the bladder, it comes from the paraurethral glands system which runs from the opening of the urethra, all the way up to about the belly button. It’s a fairly large structure and can hold a lot of ejaculate. Many people have never seen it before so they assume that it comes from the bladder.

  18. Three types of squirting

    squirting, female ejaculation, and coital incontinence

    1. ⁠Squirting is the release of urine during orgasm
    2. ⁠Female ejaculation is a mix of urine and fluid from the skene gland. (Sometimes called female prostrate)
    3. ⁠coital incontinence happens uncontrollably even without orgasm during sex. (Rare)

    I.E. always urine lol. Hope this helps.

  19. Your partner is really sex positive. Cherish that fact. Also, drink plenty of fluids and pee before you have sex if you are embarrassed about the smell.

  20. You’re actually in a pretty enviable, great position. You’ve discovered the fun of a pee kink, and it sounds like you have a friend who is, at the very least, open to it. As someone in a relationship which incorporates this kink, I can confirm it’s super fulfilling and fun and hot. You should definitely talk to him about it.

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