what crazy things have you witnessed at the dorm?

  1. One of our quadmates used to get drunk all the time and pee herself before falling asleep on the floor.

    She did this a lot.

    I was off campus by second term!

  2. We used to have these huge dorm parties, our dorm buildings had no supervisor so we could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and the whole building would host these huuuge parties

    After one party there was this chick just laying face down in the hallway, NO ONE knew who the fuck she was, she was mumbling and obviously very very drunk/high, eventually we got her to to sit up enough to drink some water and tell us who she was

    Suddenly she goes “Oh my god…” and reached back behind her, we thought maybe we should pulling a phone out from her back pocket but she was actually reaching down the back of her pants

    And that’s when she pulled her hand out and it was just COVERED in shit, and she goes “I shit my fuckin’ pants…” And the overwhelming smell of poop filled the halls, this random girl no one knew had just shit diarrhea ALL over herself and the hallway, everyone just walked the fuck away including myself, she started laughing like an insane person and kept wiping her poopy hands off on the floor and walls while everyone just went back into their rooms

    It was so fucking gross

  3. I live in a mixed dorm with one student per room, one day there was an inspection to check if smoker detectors still worked fine. They basically opened the doors one by one went in and closed them again and in one of the rooms there was a shit ton amount of dildos and sex stuff. There were pink and purple penises everywhere, on the floor, on the bed, on the desk…

    She wasn’t there when they got in but the dude went “Oh my god! Anyway”

  4. A roommate one year had a fake boyfriend. She got exposed later in the semester by another girl on our floor. It was really, really odd.

  5. I was an RA so I’ve seen a thing or two…

    * an absolutely terrifying armless scarecrow doll that would magically disappear and re-appear in the dorm common areas, usually behind the curtains and waiting to jump-scare people
    * plaster boob-mould and flower shrines in random cabinets
    * a couple trying to have sex on the roof–not just any roof, but a fairly steep clay-tiled roof
    * someone baking period-blood brownies to get revenge on a manipulative ex. Expectedly, it stank to high heaven.

  6. A bunch of second year sociology students were on the terrace, mixing large quantities of chilli mayonnaise and Hershey’s chocolate syrup in a plastic bucket from one of the bathrooms (all the bathroom buckets have a serial number painted on the side). When asked, they said it was “festival sauce”. What could possibly taste good with it ??
    Till date I cannot look at either mayo or chocolate syrup without being reminded of whatever vile concoction they were making in that bucket.

  7. In our dorm its frequently happens that they pee or shit in the hallways after a long night out and i find it utterly disgusting

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