So I’d like to start off by saying this is my first relationship with anyone serious and I’m still learning the ropes around

we’ve been together for about a year and what really made me want to go into this relationship was the fact that I have never got so much attention before from somebody. This also has made me very clingy person due to a lack of attention as a child. This is the first problem at hand I question about is if she lost feelings for me because I’m too clingy and example is I always ask how her day is I always make sure she’s OK. I call her about three times a day if we don’t see each other etc.. normal stuff you know? now I don’t get the same treatment back at all. Never get a text or a call or anything to make sure im OK. Maybe one text a day but that’s about it. Now, besides phone calls and text she doesn’t seem to put much effort in around each other either. When we’re deciding on where we wanna go out to eat I’m always the one making the decision because she hits me with the I don’t know what do you want. It’s nice to know that I have a decision in the relationship but I don’t wanna carry all the weight. Even when we’re deciding what we want to do for the day it’s like pulling teeth to get her to do something with me because she’s so indecisive. Is this something normal? Another thing I’d like to add is that she had just recently started college which I know has a huge workload and our schedules are a little bit off with me working more in the evening and her getting up pretty early to go to school but what I don’t understand is that she doesn’t call or text me in the morning neither the afternoon just to check up on me and maybe the occasional text if I already haven’t texted beyond that point in the evening. On the plus side when we are around each other she is usually very affectionate and puts forth a good amount of time into me. I just don’t understand while we’re not together why does she not put any time to make sure I’m OK or talk to me.

I often over think about this a lot and my mind starts racing in all the bad places making me think she’s gonna break up with me, or she lost feelings or worse she’s talking to somebody else which I don’t think she would do but it just hurts me to even think about

Am I doing something wrong in the relationship? I feel that I am putting forth a lot of effort and she isn’t doing a lot. Can somebody please help me and tell me what I’m doing wrong. How can I address this to her and let her know how I feel.

1 comment
  1. None of us can tell you what is going on with her, so if you want to know how she is feeling or what she is thinking, you are going to need to talk to her.

    In any relationship, being able to communicate these types of things is super important.

    You admit that you are very clingy, and that you call her about three times a day… being too clingy is a bad thing. It can feel suffocating & become a turn off. Same for calling three times a day to check in. Personally, that would drive me insane & I would hate it. I would absolutely avoid someone who did that.

    In all honesty, it is entirely possible that you are both in completely different places in your life, and have different views on what is “normal” in a relationship. It might be time to seriously evaluate if this is what you both want.

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