What common criticism of women or femininity make you cringe?

  1. That women looking for support are just whiney and annoying

    Women supporting women is one of the most wholesome things out there. We look out for each other and it’s so lovely.

  2. That being assertive and direct makes you unfeminine or intimidating for a woman. And the notion that all women should have nurturing and motherly instincts.

  3. When our feelings can be perceived wrong by the opposite sex.
    No our feelings are not always right.. but I don’t want to feel like I am wrong for having certain feelings.

  4. For me it’s seeing women who judge other women for being old fashioned, or adhering to stereotypical gender roles. If a woman chooses to do so then I’m not gonna judge her. I’ve seen it critiqued plenty irl online even Here on reddit.

  5. If we’re interested in “male hobbies” or work in a male dominated environment = we’re trying to be like a man lmao.

    Another one that comes from men is if women dislike each other then that means they’re jealous of the other. Sometimes your personalities just don’t mesh well together.

  6. There are many, but one is acting like (straight) women don’t get visually stimulated by looking at a hot guy

  7. That we are weak and whiny, when women generally have higher pain tolerance than men. If a woman says she’s in pain, she most likely is and have been for a while.

  8. A woman’s femininity doesn’t equate to her worth as a woman. Not being traditionally feminine DOES NOT affect my worth as a woman. A bold assertive woman is still as much of a woman as the soft-spoken passive woman.

  9. That women can’t drive. Yes some women are horrible drivers but then there’s others that could drift laps round your sorry ass

  10. I’m pretty tall and that seems to confuse people?? I’m 175 cm, and for some reason that makes it okay to be disrespectful to me

  11. Being angry is reduced to being hormonal by the person you’re angry at. What this really is is them deflecting any blame or accountability and making your anger your fault, not theirs.

  12. That when we’re upset it can only be because we’re on our period. Because there’s obviously no other reason for us to be angry or emotional.

  13. That women are more emotional than men and that’s used as an excuse to hinder women’s careers etc. I can use the tale as old as time and say, if women are more emotional, who are the ones starting all the wars and killing and raping more people? Name the problem. It’s not women or their emotions.

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