What’s your favourite response to the “does this make me look fat” trap?

  1. I’ll give an honest answer and refuse to be in a relationship with whoever can’t handle it.

  2. I awenser, honestly. My wife doesn’t look fat in anything she wears, so I’m kind of lucky in that department

  3. Some variant of “I don’t like it as much as <some more flattering thing she’s worn recently or tried on>”.

  4. Idk turn around and bend over for me. You know for context. Now give me a little bounce. You know so I can make a educated observation. Repeat these steps till she leave you alone.

  5. I’m 40 years old and have been married almost 10 years, I’ve never been asked that question.

  6. I’m a woman, and I feel we shouldn’t ask that question if we can’t handle the truth. Men shouldn’t have to lie to make us feel better.

  7. “come here and let me see”

    Then you start poking her, grabbing her butt etc etc you should be able to take it from here.

    “Does this make me look fat”=”do you think I’m still attractive” and the best way to do that is be physically attracted to her

  8. I would just be honest and say “yeah that (whatever they’re wearing) does make you look a little fat”.

  9. I have literally never been asked this by a woman. My women were much more subtle and dangerous in their passive-aggression.

  10. “Not at all, but it doesn’t really go with <insert other item being worn> and I really love that <other item> on you.” Has literally worked every time.

  11. It’s not always a trap. Straight-waisted dresses look awful on women with hourglass figures yet for some reason they still buy them, and, yes, they look fat in them. I say, “It’s not flattering. You need something that follows your curves closer.” It’s accurate, honest, helpful, and focused on the dress and not their figure.

  12. I tell them straight, because I’m the only one they know who will be honest with them, and they know the truth too.

  13. My usual answer is
    “Does this shirt make me look stupid?”

    Which gets a giggle, and then i give an honest answer about whether or not the particular garment is flattering.

    It usually works.

  14. “It’s not the dress that makes you look fat…it’s the fat that makes you look fat”

    – The Great Al Bundy

  15. I once eventually said along the lines of “you are beautiful and also I’m never going to be able to make you feel better about how you see yourself in the mirror with anything I say. There are things about the way you are and live your life that you need to change in order for you to be able to feel better about it.”

    I got yelled at that night but a couple of years later she began working out at home and is now, a few years after that, in the best shape of her life and I’ve actually never heard those awful words again

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