I recently started hanging out with this girl, and she loves to have sex and love it to. She is always super wet, probably one of the wettest girls l’ve ever met, and just wants to fuck all the time…mainly because I’m putting in some serious work on her. She just lets me fuck her crazy and just let’s me dominate her, and I’m ok with that.
My thing is that I can last a while with her and basically cum when I want. But when I have sex with some other girls, mainly my ex GF, I can barely last 1 minute. It’s not like this girl doesn’t feel good either, be she does and I love to have sex with her. We definitely have an emotional connection, and those are the girls I like to have sex with rather than a casual hookup. I don’t really see my ex as an emotional partner anymore, and it might be why I can’t last. It’s weird but any thoughts/ advice would be cool. I really don’t think I have PE either bc if I did I wouldn’t be able to have sex for this long.

  1. There’s a lot of things that go into this, ranging from the psychological (how your partner affects you) to the physical (the precise way in which you fit together physically).

    It’s possible, for instance, that your current partner’s wetness reduces the friction that produces your orgasms. That’s not uncommon.

  2. Seems like a psychological issue, maybe when you just want to cum you dont last but when you want to please her and enjoy the sex you last longer or maybe its new and exciting so you unconsciously force yourself to last longer, in My experience these can be the reasons. Btw sex with your ex is troublesome, stop it.

  3. Lots of good answers here. I’d add that even a small amount of anxiety could have that effect. Being with a new partner can easily cause that, but wouldn’t necessarily have to be the only thing.

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