The argument started bc I wouldn’t let her look through my text messages. Seriously. She is obsessed with me even tho we have only been dating for two months. She think I’m talking to all sorts of girls and uses that insecurity as an excuse to look through my phone so “she feels better” and if i don’t she says I’m being sus and it’s a red flag. At this rate,I’m done with her shit and insecurities. I tried to break up then and She had like some autistic ass sperg out throwing things and banging her head on wall. She then held a knife to her throat and said she was gon kill herself. I somehow calmed her down from that but that meant I wasn’t allowed to break up with her. I only stayed bc my mom and sister are headcases as well so I honestly have more patience for shit like this. However, I can’t be having more of this unstableness in my life, especially when u can choose who u r in a relationship with. I know if I call ambulance she gon be fucked up with job and university. I’ve considered grabbing my some belongings from her house that I’ve left while she at work then blocking and ghosting, I feel like asking her to break up gon lead to some crazy shit like the knife thing she pulled. What do I do how do u deal with crazy thx

  1. You don’t have to ask to break up. You say “I’m breaking up with you.” As soon as those words pass your lips you are in fact broken up.

    If she threatens to harm herself or someone else call 911. Even if you think it’s likely a manipulation tactic.

    If possible, tell her parents that you’re broken up and she didn’t take it well and they might want to check on her.

    Then block her and go no-contact.

  2. Get your stuff from her house. Break up via text. Block her. Be prepared to find a boiling bunny.

  3. She’s holding you hostage. Don’t pay the ransom. Break up and tell her if she makes a suicide threat, you’re calling the cops, and do it.

  4. You need to leave, as safely as you can, preferably while she is not home. If she calls and threatens to kill herself, then you call the police if that is a safe option for you, or you call an ambulance and give them her address. If she is having a mental health episode, emergency services will help her. If she is ok and manipulating you, you have called her bluff.

    You deserve to be free from this relationship and not coerced or guilted or frightened into staying. Go and stay on a friend’s sofa for a few days if you need to. Get yourself out. I can’t tell any more than you can right now if she really will harm herself, but if she is going to do that, you are not the person to help her. She needs medical staff for that.

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