What to do when she seems to be too busy to see you now when she wanted to see you all the time earlier?

  1. Break up and move on. If she’s not willing to make time for your relationship, then she’s not worth your effort. Relationships take time and effort and if somebody’s not willing to put in the effort or the time then neither should you.

  2. Respect and don’t question her reasons for not being available, use the time you’re not with her on things that better yourself, be a positive/encouraging person anytime you talk to her, and make the most out of every opportunity you do end up getting to see her.

    People go through things and it’s not always the way it seems. If you truly want to be with someone your main goal should be for them to be happy, no matter what. Just tell her you’ll be there for her when she does have time. If she hasn’t told you that she is losing interest then I wouldn’t worry.

  3. If it’s a one time thing: do something for yourself, instead. If it’s a common occurrence: Manipulation is shitty behavior, and you deserve better. Period. Do something for yourself, instead.

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