My gf still talks with her ex as friends….

So me 28m and my gf f28 have been together for 5 months now, known eachother for 10 months…but anyway she messages her ex as a friend, I hate it, told her numerous times how I’m not jealous, I feel im better than this guy in every way, but im territorial, like there is too much history and I don’t like that they talk, it’s not comfortable to me, and he should be irrelevant in her life, it’s not like a guy she has to talk to for work like a co worker or boss, which I understand is completely different lol but if she plans to marry me. Which she said she wants to do all of the things like marriage and kids. We currently don’t have any kids,but I don’t like this situation I’m in…

So their history is they dated for 5 years, she left him because he didn’t do anything with his life but smoke weed and sit at home, and so she even told me she pitty’s him, thinks he’s going to hurt himself if she doesn’t talk with him….I could be the asshole here, but I could care less….like she dated him from 2014-2019….got with this other guy for 6 months in 2020, then met me…when she was with the 2020 guy she never messaged the older ex, but now that she’s with me, she feels the need to still talk with him, no matter how I feel…like I take it as a sign of disrespect that when she was with her recent ex, she didn’t text the older ex, but now that she’s with me, she feels it’s okay to be friends with this guy?….also this guy is still in love with her…on my b day in august, took a weekend trip to San Diego and took her along, he sent her this essay of a text saying how I’m such a bad guy and how he still loves her and wants her….I wish she left him on read….but she replied how that will never be, and that if they were to remain friends he needs to understand that’s as fas as it will be….Idk why she still entertains this guy, but idk how to get her to stop, I get combative and angry about it because I feel it as a attempt towards my relationship, not that she would reply to other guys, but if another man is going to try and come in my relationship, I’m not going to sit back and let him think he has a shot ya know? and she gets angry with my reactions…but I just need help on how to process this for the better of my mental health, if that’s with her or not, but I just can’t get over she still talks to her ex out of pitty…

1 comment
  1. Nope…nope nope nope. She doesn’t need to be his therapist or friend, he can find others to fill that role before he uses an ex. I would not put up with this. I think in a weird way she secretly likes being fought over. I wouldn’t fall into that bullshit. I would end this. She should go back to him. You can find someone else who is more respectful of your feelings and your relationship. She knows this upsets you and she still talks with him even though he wrote dumb shit about you while in SD? Oh hell no! I think the trust is gone. Even if she agreed to stop contacting him, I’m sure she would only get sneakier. Fuck that!

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