So I (F23) have been dating my Bf (M24) for about three months. I just passed this big exam And I finally see him tomorrow since I got the results of this big exam. He waited for me to get my results and told me congratulations but would it be a lot to be expecting like a tiny gift. Or going out for dessert? He hasn’t told me he loves me or anything and this is his first relationship. I just want to know if I’m expecting too much from him.

Also let’s say that nothing happens should I be upset and say something? Or just not say anything.

  1. We men need some gentle guiding. If he has no idea you want these things, you can’t reasonably expect him to provide them. Don’t be too subtle.

  2. Yes, you are expecting too much. How on earth is he supposed to know you want a gift for completing your exam? Expecting him to get you something is very presumptuous.

    On my birthday I took my girlfriend and friends out to dinner. It was my day, but I showed I cared for them by taking them out. Why don’t you take him out to celebrate if it’s so important to you? If you want him to take you out and get you gifts, it always helps to take some initiative and put out what you want to receive.

  3. Expecting a gift is kind of ridiculous IMO. It would be nice of him to offer to take you out to celebrate, but A) he probably doesn’t realize how big of a deal the exam is to you and B) he’s probably oblivious to the fact that you expect this. Just say “hey, I’m really excited to have passed this exam, let’s go out to celebrate!” If you expect people to read your mind and get angry when they can’t, you’re setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment and unnecessary drama.

  4. As it’s his first relationship, there’s a few things he still needs to learn. You’ll need to communicate them clearly and not expect him to mindread.

    But I feel like expecting a gift for passing an exam is an unrealistic expectation for the average boyfriend. I’m sure there’s guys out there who might, but it’s not the standard.

    If you’re happy and want to celebrate, you tell him ‘Let’s go out to celebrate!’ and take him out for dessert.

  5. Gift? Nah, he’s not your parents, but if you want to celebrate because this is a milestone for you, then tell him that you feel that and ask him if he would celebrate with you

  6. « I would love to go out and celebrate !! How about a dessert together? »

    You need to guide the men and let them know about what you want and need. You offer ideas, and let them work the magic 😘

  7. You can take iniative and tell him that you want to celebrate this big event at the restaurant or something. Its his first relationship he probably dont know much about celebrating things or being super supportive it comes with experience. If you are new to dating then I would understand why you are expecting this much but communicating is better than expecting and assuming your partner will act like movies.

    And you shouldnt be upset. No one should be expected to do this.

  8. I think a gift is definitely too much to expect.

    But I do understand you want him to celebrate your success with you. So I’d say just invite him for drinks or cake 🙂

  9. Just depends if he’s a broke college student or not. Also depends on what you want out of a relationship. A gift for you passing a test is weird imo, maybe flowers but a gift is weird. At most I’d take someone out to eat to celebrate.

  10. Most guys are really bad at reading women. Take it from there if this is important to you.

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