I recently was going to do a surgery right before a travel trip, I was out for a month collectively with he surgery and travel.

I had to train someone to do my work at my job and the person I had to train was a very pretty gal. I kept the discussions work related but she was lightly flirting with me and i noticed. During the training she eluded to “not having someone to go out to drink with” & “her friends are boring to drink with”. She’s also into traveling btw. So when training was over I made a mild play in the form of “If your friends are still boring we can go get a drink together” and she responded brightly.

so im recovering from surgery and she’s messaging me and she’s pushing the interactions. we talk mostly about travel and what’s going on in our lives. text is pretty consistent with breaks inbetween days because we are both busy adults.

When i return from my trip I thanked her for taking care of my work while i was gone and I brought her back some postcards. she then pushes “you know my friends and I need help booking a trip” and I said “We can work on it over a beer”. she was very much into the idea, but she was busy the upcoming weekend and then asked me to do it next weekend. and we set the date.

So a week goes by with minimal texting because again, we are both busy and we had already made plans to hang out. Comes saturday without any contact for a few days. i message her ” see you at 7″ which she then says that “I forgot to tell you I made plans with my friends and we are gonna go see a hockey game”. she does not give a date to reschedule and just leaves it at that a couple hours before the date.

I was confused because I wouldn’t have pursued, albeit light pursuing, because she was acting interested and I wanted to get to know her. She was the one to push for the date, I wouldve been fine just giving her the postcards and appreciation without it but I followed the signals she gave me. I don’t understand, why go through the trouble of acting interested and reschedule the date in the first time?

Am I over thinking this?

tl:dr A girl acted interested and rescheduled a date with me to flake out hours before the date

  1. Maybe she had enough time to consider if getting involved with a coworker was a good idea or not.

  2. Sounds like you learned she’s too flaky to date before investing time and money in dating. It’s not the result you wanted, but it’s much better to know now than find out when you’re already attached.

    I wouldn’t think too hard about it. It could be second thoughts, could be her prioritizing a big friend outing over a date, or she could just be flaky about everything. It really doesn’t matter in the end. The “yes” to dating became a “no” and self respect means accepting that and moving on to find someone who follows through on plans.

  3. I would move on and just be professional friends. Chalk up her talk as nothing but talk. Don’t push to reschedule or whatever and just leave that ball in her court.

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