Straight Men, what do you think is the most admirable trait in another guy?

  1. Not sure what the word here should be:

    A man who is willing to act/provide for someone or a group of people beyond themselves, without the expectation to get something in return.

  2. I don’t have the word for it but when they show up in a time of need without being asked. Like the type of person who says “I’m on my way” when they know you’re in a tough spot.

  3. How a man can light up the room and make everyone happy with his positive vibe and welcoming attitude

    I always use a man I work with as an example. I work in retail and this man is loved by all Co workers and pretty much every customer. Always smiling and make light hearted jokes and makes everyone laugh. Kids love him, elderly people love him, women love him and men love him. I’ve seen him have a laugh with everyone. He just makes everyone he interacts with happy. Shows compassion and empathy towards others. Accepts everyone for who they are and treats all with respect. He just seems to be able to make everyone around him become a happier person. That is admirable to me. Making people want to be around you because you make them happy with your presence. His an amazing man.

  4. Ability to be vulnerable and at the same time, be considerate and understanding, to try and see the good in others and make the best of a tough situation

  5. Community mindedness. The kind of person who does trash cleanup and actively helps their neighbours.

  6. Integrity and commitment to the goods of other people. Like Uncle Iroh or Commander Shepard.

  7. When I tell them to them something in confidence, they keep it secret.

    So, loyalty, discipline, and integrity.

  8. Not straight, but

    “Hey, I did it”

    “The thing you said you will get it done other day?”


  9. Someone who possesses great leadership. Being a great leader means you had to have mastered several traits, but most importantly being mentally strong.

  10. When i see a fellow guy TRY to turn his life around for the better before he even feels like he’s accomplished it. That moment he decides he wants to do better FOR HIMSELF.

    I’m truly proud of you lads out there that take that step.

  11. After reading the thread, is it wrong to see these as most admirable in everyone, not just straight men?

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