Their alot of interesting years to go back to UK like 1066 or the early vikings age or any golden age in the uk history? Where would you go and why?

  1. Do I have to live there or am I just visiting? If it’s to live then no because insulin (fast acting wasn’t invented until 1994)

    Edited because I didn’t read it properly.

    I’d like to see how they built Stonehenge.

    I’d like to meet Anne Boleyn to see if she was really worth it. Then meet her daughter, if I’m going to Tudor times, did olde Billy Shakespeare really write everything or was it Christopher Marlowe? Who added the witches scenes to the Scottish play.

    Also what happened to the Princes in the Tower, I’d like to find out.

    Oh and I’d like to meet St Bede the chronicler because he’s a local guy.

  2. If it’s to stay for a short time pre roman Britain. If it to stay that’s a difficult one. I’d be killed for a number of reasons.

  3. I’m into naval history, so seeing age of sail ships e.g. during the late 18th and early 19th century would be an awesome sight to behold.

  4. The Tudor period. I’d love to see what the six wives were like in person, and whether they resembled the portraits we believe to be them today.

    I’d probably get beheaded though 🤷🏻‍♀️

  5. Unless you speak middle english well, or even old english you’re probably looking at a max date of around 1550 ish and even then the vocab is going to be wild, early modern english still used some impressive vowels, having a conversation with shakespeare would be difficult.

    Also people of that era in the UK would sound a bit like they’re from the west country, there are some companies that do chaucer and shakespeare in their original text and they’re rather fascinating.

    Personally I’d consider around 1670, restoration and all that, none of this last civil war business to get caught in.
    Otherwise perhaps 1700, and I’d visit france and the HRE, perhaps go see Rome as well.

  6. I’d love to see how they built Stonehenge and it’d be pretty cool to go exploring doggerland before it flooded.

  7. Just after the war, when communities existed. Your average joe could afford a house and raise a family you could leave your bicycle unlocked and your front door open and kids could play in the streets

  8. I was thinking 2020, quite fancy the notion of being sat in my pants watching tiger king again

  9. Back to the early 60s and just live my life from there to the end of the 20th century. I know there would have been a few problems, but none of it would have affected me very much so I don’t give a shit.

  10. Early 1900 and travel through empire working in merchant navy
    Tough life for sure but the world was still very much untouched

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